School Day

Below, you’ll find an overview of the typical school day for both Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 pupils. Please note, the timings are subject to slight changes, but this gives you a general idea of what to expect.

Early Years Foundation Stage  

  • 08:40 – 08:50   Drop-off window for children to arrive and make their way into class.  
  • 09:00   Registration closes  (children are marked late after this)  
  • 12:00   Lunch break  
  • 13:20   Afternoon sessions begin  
  • 15:20   End of school  

(Break times for children of this age do not have a fixed time but are taken when required)  

Key Stage 1  (Years 1 and 2)  

  • 08:40 – 08:50   Drop-off window for children to arrive and make their way into class.  
  • 09:00   Registration closes  (children are marked late after this).  
  • 10:20   Mid-morning break  (15 minutes)  
  • 12:15   Lunch break  
  • 13:20   Afternoon sessions begin, usually with assembly  
  • 15:20   End of school 

Our school day will look like this (subject to a little change)'